domiciliation in geneva
We domicile your company in Geneva
Finding suitable and affordable premises when setting up a business in Switzerland can be a daunting task. Domiciliation is an interesting solution for entrepreneurs looking for a fiscal address. In short, domiciliation will help you start your business activities quickly and legally.
What is domiciliation?
Domiciliation, also known as fiscal residence, represents the fiscal address of a company established in Switzerland. It is an obligatory requirement when creating a company or a sole proprietorship. This address, which corresponds to the head office, must be declared to the Registre du commerce (RC) of the Canton. The address of domiciliation enables the identification of a company with social and fiscal organizations, as well as with customers, business partners and suppliers.
Furthermore, the registered address determines the nationality of the company, the applicable law in case of litigation as well as the measures relating to publicity formalities. This is a piece of information that must appear on all official documents and media materials of a company.
What are the benefits?
Domiciliation is essential if you want to carry out your activity legally. But beyond the legal aspect, this approach has many advantages. Among other things, it allows you to:
- preserve a balance between you professional activity and your personal life;
- benefit from a prestigious address that will help you gain credibility with clients, partners or potential investors;
- save on rental costs, which is ideal for a company with limited financial resources;
- take advantage of the flexibility of not depending on a commercial lease agreement.
The role of a domiciliation company
Using the services of a Swiss domiciliation company is a wise choice for businesses that want to enjoy the above-mentioned advantages. Domiciliators offer entrepreneurs, who are in the process of creating a company, the possibility of domiciling their business in a virtual office and thus relieving them of some of their administrative tasks. Companies specializing in domiciliation offer various services to businesses, such as the assignment of a postal address and a mailbox, as well as a wide range of optional services that can be very practical.
Swiss Accounting Fiduciary Experts (SAFE) can provide domiciliation services to its clients at its headquarters in Petit Lancy. Thanks to this solution, your company will be recognized by authorities as being located in the Geneva territory. In this way, you will have the opportunity to register your company in the Registre du commerce.
In addition to domiciliation, we offer accounting services and personalized administrative assistance.
Our domiciliation services
Domiciliation of your company in Geneva
Proof of domiciliation
Receipt of your mails
Domiciliation of your company in Geneva
Proof of domiciliation
Receipt of your mails
Access to scanned mails
Domiciliation of your company in Geneva
Proof of domiciliation
Receipt of your mails
Access to scanned mails
Mail delivery
Opt for an address that is close to the city center of Geneva
By choosing SAFE, you will benefit from a fiscal address located 5 minutes from the city center of Geneva. The Municipality of Lancy in which our office is located is the headquarters of many international companies.