
general terms of sale 2021

What is SAFE ?
SAFE – Swiss Accounting Fiduciary Experts is a Geneva-based fiduciary firm operating in the accounting and tax sectors. In this respect, it welcomes all types of clients, whether private or institutional, in order to assist them in the administrative, accounting and fiduciary aspects of their business.

Scope of activity
SAFE’s areas of activity are varied and include:
● Accounting
● Taxation
● Domiciliation
● Business management
● Tax declaration
● Auditing
● Administrative management
● HR administration

Contractual offer
Upon request, SAFE will make an offer that is in the form of a quotation. The parties shall agree on the duties to be fulfilled by SAFE. This is an indicative specification, which can be revised at any time. The offer issued by SAFE is also an approximate one, in the sense that in the event of additional requests, SAFE may also modify the initial price.

Additional demands also include the monthly accounting payments that were not made before the contract was signed and that SAFE must make up for following the signature.

The mandate contract is the document that signs the start of the service. SAFE is obliged to carry out the tasks mentioned in the contract from the date of signature. The monthly instalments to be paid by the client represent the monthly accounting periods completed.

Obligations of the contracting parties
The contracting parties are obliged to strictly follow the tasks set out in the basic offer. In particular, the client must pay the price by the agreed deadline. Furthermore, the client shall inform SAFE on a daily basis of any changesthat may affect its business.

Recognition of debt
The contracting parties acknowledge that the signed offer constitutes a recognition of debt within the meaning of Article 82 LP.

Responsibilities of the parties
The client acknowledges that in the event of delay in the performance of its obligations, it shall be solely responsible for any fault committed by SAFE.


In case of travel to the client’s premises, SAFE will charge a minimum of CHF 150.00 for the travel fee in the Geneva area.

Price increase
During the period of the contract, if the client modifies the tasks to be carried out or if the client requests more from SAFE than was specified in the offer, SAFE will charge an additional fee of CHF 150.00 per hour. In the event of a fee increase, SAFE will send a detailed statement of its activity to the client, who must accept it without reservation.

Jurisdiction and applicable law
The place of jurisdiction is Geneva, at the company’s headquarters. The applicable law is Switzerland’s law.

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